When you're accused of a crime, you may feel very alone. Browse our collection of recent news articles to learn about new developments in the law and to see how other defendants have faced criminal accusations.
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Can you get arrested for speeding?speeding, "promise to appear", "failure to sign"
Have the feds effectively shut down local prostitution investigations?Without backpage and craigslist, police aren't going to be able to make the easy arrests for prostitution
Still leading the country in human traffickingWaco and McLennan County lead the country in prostitution arrests
The ethics of offering a deal that's too good to turn downThe ethical implications of a prosecutor offering a deal that's too good to turn down, citing the Twin Peaks restaurant shooting case in Waco, Texas.
It's nice to be rightTexas death penalty case reversed based on the definition of mental retardation even though the Supreme Court had already determined the proper definition.
Forensics takes another hitpresidential commission on science criticizes forensic disciplines including fingerprints, bitemarks, firearms, hair comparison and DNA mixturtures
Ed Graf Capital Murder Case — Investigative Techniques DiscreditedThe Law Office of Walter Reaves has been working on the Ed Graf capital murder case and has some recent news.